

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Scots Language Society


invites entries in Scots for



Poesie:               the Hugh MacDiarmid Tassie

                             1st prize £100     rinner-up prize £50

Cutty tale:                    the Robert McLellan Tassie

                             1st prize £100     rinner-up prize £50

Owersettin:       the John MacPhail Law Tassie 

                             1st prize £100     rinner-up prize £50

Ilk scriever gets a written appraisal o their entries an winnin entries are furthset in Lallans, the magazine o the Scots Leid Associe.


Submeissions bi 31st Januar 2016 til

Sangschaw, c/o 6 Dryden Place, Edinburgh EH9 1RP

Cost o ilk entry £5, or £12 for thrie, cheques/POs payable ti the Scots Language Society.

Condeitions o entry: aa submeissions ti be in Scots. Poesie nae mair nor 60 lines, prose nae mair nor 3000 words, owersettins o poesie 60 lines an o prose 3000 words. Send a copy o the original in its ain leid wi ony owersettins. Naething aareadies furthset or submittit itherwhaur, please.

Nem an address on a separate sheet.

Workshop Session 6

This session deals with the ways to find story ideas and develop a theme.
There will be a discussion and exercises.
2.30pm - 4.30 pm
Tuesday afternoon 13th October 2015
Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Talk by Margaret Skea

A Talk by Margaret Skea

Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso


Tuesday 29th September 2015


2.30 pm – 4.30 pm


All Welcome 
Refreshments Available 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Waverley Lines writing competition

A reminder that the Waverley Lines writing competition deadline for short stories and poetry is Friday 26 June 2015 at 5pm prompt.
Submissions can be sent by post or handed into your local library.
Submissions will only be accepted via an official Waverley Lines entry form which can be downloaded at
Further information available from the Arts Development: 01750 726400

Kelso Writers Session

Our last session before the summer break takes place tomorrow TUESDAY 23 JUNE
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm.
To give everyone a chance to read we will have our very own open mic event.
Please bring along any short piece (up to 1,000 words) that you would like to read out aloud and get some feedback from the group.
Tea, coffee, biscuits
Workshops will recommence in September.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Kelso Writers Workshop Session 3

Next session will be held at the Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Session 3: Creating Fiction from Life's Experiences

Waverley Lines Competition

The Eildon Tree Magazine
Creative Writing Competition
An open competition for writers 8+
To submit short stories and poems inspired by the re-opening of the Borders Railway Line
Deadline:  26 June 2015

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Workshop Session 2

The next session will be held on Tuesday afternoon 12 May 2015
2.30pm - 4.30 pm
Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso
The session will commence with the readings, break for social and then focus on the ways writers use to begin stories.
Everyone welcome

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Workshop 14 April 2015

To be held on 14 April 2015
2.30pm - 4.30 pm
Computer Room, Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso
Peter Munro and Sue Hewitt are conducting this workshop.
 The ways that writers can use the internet and social media to help with promoting writing.
Refreshments available.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Session 12: Marketing and How to Sell

Session 12
Marketing. How To Sell
This session looks at the tricky problems and pitfalls involved in marketing and selling your work.
Abbey Row Community Centre
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Refreshments Available

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

You're Invited to a talk about John Hamilton Hall (1799-1865) at Kelso on 29 March

Part of the research I did for Berwick 900 last year was about a Coldstream lad, John Hamilton Hall, born in 1799, whose father was not only a general physician but also a Freeman of the Berwick-upon-Tweed Guild. 
Seeing his name and occupation in the Guild records led me on an interesting and puzzling hunt for information about his family, his career as an officer in the East India Company’s Bombay Infantry. 
On Sunday, 29th March, at the Abbey Row Community Centre, The Knowes, Kelso, TD5 7BJ, I’ll be talking about his life and career, however, just as importantly, I’ll be discussing how I researched him, some of the problems I found and the difficulties in reading and understanding the records.  Map.
The talk has been widely advertised, including in Berwick, due to local Berwick interest, so come early to get a good seat. 
I warmly invite you to attend the talk whether you are a member or not. Doors open at 2pm; the talk begins at 2.30pm. 
We'll have a range of family history publications available to buy, and there’ll be light refreshments (donation expected) available after the talk. If you have a problem with your family history, please discuss it with one of our volunteers.

Actress, Dolina MacLennan, Presents New Book - An Island Girl’s Journey

The well-known actress, singer and storyteller, Dolina MacLennan, who was involved with the Scottish folk revival of the 1950s and 60s and knew many of the iconic figures of that time, will be in the Borders on Friday the 27th March to speak about her recently published book, An Island Girl’s Journey

She's been in Rebus, Hamish Macbeth and Machair and lots of other productions.

Dolina’s journey began in a traditional Gaelic-speaking community on the Island of Lewis and her Gaelic upbringing has been a strong influence in the various twists and turns her life has taken since then. 

She will be the guest of Gaelic in the Borders in St Boswells Village Hall starting at 7.45 pm to which anyone with an interest is welcome to attend. 

The Village Hall is on the corner of Main St and Jenny Moore's Road opposite the bus stance, thus convenient for buses from Berwick, Edinburgh, Galashiels, Jedburgh, Kelso.

(The evening will be in English but with a chance to pick up some Gaelic words!) Admission: £2 (£3 non-members), including tea/coffee and biscuits.

Friday, 20 March 2015


On Amazon for Kindle.

Title is

Women Who Write With Elves.

9 new  writers including myself have produced this collection.

Better than a magazine....

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Oliver Eade's Talk: Writing for Children from Seven to Seventy



The Kelso Writers Workshop have invited local Borders writer, Oliver Eade to give a talk about Writing for Children from Seven to Seventy at the Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm Tuesday 3rd March 2015.

Refreshments available. Instead of the normal £2 fee for the hire of the room, donations will be given to help Oliver's charity, The Edinburgh Sick Kids Foundation.

Oliver has published over fifty short stories, five children's novels, the first of which Moon Rabbit was long-listed for the 2008 Waterstone's Children's Book Prize and a winner of the WAAYB 2007 New Novel Competition. Both Moon Rabbit and its sequel, Monkey King's Revenge link Scotland with Ancient China. He has also published young adult and adult novels and a play, The Gap which went on tour in the Scottish Borders 2012. Oliver follows no particular genre although he is drawn to that space that lies between reality and fantasy the space where children fit into so easily. All welcome to come along.

I urge everyone to bring along anyone who might be interested in this talk.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Session 10 Putting It All Together

The most important secret to creative writing is rewriting. This session deals with the methods writers use to polish and edit their stories.
Also, four readers will read out their stories and the group will give some positive feedback.
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Abbey Row Community Centre
£2 per session

Friday, 23 January 2015

Valentines Ceilidh on 13 February 2015 at Melrose Parish Church Hall, Melrose, TD6 9LJ

Please note that this is not a dance.

Instead it's more like an informal concert where members of the audience can choose to perform their party piece.

Come along with songs, music or stories to contribute to the evening’s entertainment in any language or just come along to listen and enjoy.

It starts at 7.45pm and finishes about 10.30 pm.

Come with the partner of your dreams, by yourself, with friends and/or children - no need to feel shy.

Supper provided.
Bring your own booze or soft drinks - glasses are available at the hall.

It's an ideal chance to read out or recite one (or more) of your short stories or poems to an appreciative audience, play an instrument or sing, though there's no compulsion - if you just want to eat and listen, that's OK.

Most people sing or read in English or Scots, some in Gaelic.
Some Gaelic spoken (with translation into English).

£6 non-members, £5 members of Gaelic in the Borders.
Membership available at the door,

In the past there has always been a raffle.

Melrose Parish Church Hall is on the crown of the hill above Melrose Rugby Club. There's plenty of parking.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Session 8 Structure and Pace

We resume our Workshops at the Abbey Row Community Centre, Kelso, tomorrow Tuesday 20th January 2015 from 2.30pm - 4.30 pm downstairs in the Coffee Room. A warm welcome assured and tea, coffee and biscuits as well! £2 for help towards the hire of the room.
Structure and Pace in the writing of short stories will be the subject of this workshop.
Look forward to a good creative writing afternoon!!