

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Eildon Tree submission date

A reminder that the submissions for new writing for the next issue of the Eildon Tree Spring 2014 are invited. Deadline is 31st January 2014. Poems, short stories and non fiction articles of local and national literary interest, as well as short novel extracts are all welcome for considertion. Guidelines: A maximum of 4 poems, stories or articles up to 3,000 words. Electronic format: Ariel 12pt, single line spacing, unjustified margin. Book titles are quotes should be italicised, but without speech and quotation marks, unless specified in the text quoted. Include a brief biography up to 40 words. Please do not submit work which has been seen previously by the Editors. For an informal chat please contact the Arts Development. Tel: 01750 726400 By post: The Eildon Tree, Arts Development, St Mary's Mill, Selkirk TD7 5EW By email:

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