

Friday, 1 November 2024

Nature Writing Workshop - 5 November

Our next workshop is on Tuesday, 5th November at 2.30pm at Abbey Row Community Centre, Abbey Row, Kelso, TD5 7BJ. As usual, we'll be in the Coffee Bar, the first room you come to, after the front door. This workshop is about Nature writing. The session will be led by Alistair Ferguson, who was a gamekeeper for fifty years. During that time he saw nature at its best and at its worst. As usual, when you come on to the Coffee Bar put your donation in the box on the nearest table. The suggested donation for the workshop is £5 (£4 for members), which includes light refreshments. If you haven’t attended one of our workshops before, we don't expect a donation. There will also be an attendance sheet on this table. Please write your first name and surname, so that in the event of a fire, we can check that you're out of the building. If you would like to attend online, please contact us before 6pm on Monday.

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