

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Everybody Writes Day is on 21st October

Everybody Writes Day was a four-year writing project partnership between Booktrust and the National Literacy Trust, funded by the Department for Education that ended in 2011.

It was aimed at stimulating pupils in primary and secondary schools to become more interested in writing not just across the curriculum but outside the classroom too. There are a lot of resources for schools.

Many of those pupils will now have left school.

The word 'everybody' includes pre-school and adults too, so quite why the Booktrust, Scottish Book Trust and the National Literacy Trust haven't sought to be more inclusive mystifies me.

Perhaps they would say that because it's not being funded they can't afford to be more inclusive.

I think that's silly.

They don't need to be any more active than putting a sentence on their website and in their newsletters encouraging everybody to write for Everybody Writes Day on 21st October.

Therefore, let's hijack Everybody Writes Day from those unimaginative organisations and declare that it's for everyone !

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